Friday, March 30, 2012

What Are You Doing.....

......with your tax return?  Income tax time is upon us, and this is my first return filing as an employed individual and a registered business.  Anxious to see what happens.  But I do have plans for my return - cake plans!  I am hoping to get back enough to cover my trip to Reno for the ICES convention. 

If you are looking for a way to invest in your cake knowledge, you should use your return to take a class with a celebrity cake artisit (or two).  Perfect for using up that tax return, James Rosselle and Marina Sousa will be at Icing Inspirations in only 41 more days!  There are only a few (and by that I mean A FEW!) spots left.  They are both talented, award winning cake artists willing to share their cake knowledge with you!  And.....I have it on good authority, new cake toys used in the class will only be available for sale to students enrolled in the class!  Don't miss out!  Contact Chrissie @ Icining Inspirations sooner rather than later and secure your place now!

On another note, I am in the middle of developing a new line of cake related products, and am curious what features you are looking for when purchasing cake toys!  Leave me a comment telling me, and you could win a set of the new products when they become available later this year!

Friday, March 16, 2012

And it's on! The official Countdown to James and Marina!

Hello Cake Boys & Girls!

A few posts ago, I said I was anxious for May and about to start an official countdown.  Well guess what!  The countdown is on!!!

That's right!  As I write this, there are exactly 55 days until my return to Kitchener Ontario for Haute Couture Cakes as taught by Cake MEGASTARS James Rosselle and Marina Sousa!  I secretly have been counting down to this class since last April when Chrissie from Icing Inspirations told me it was a go!  Keeping that news to myself was very difficult until the official announcement was made, but alas, word was out and I could share my excitement with everyone!

I am still undecided as to what I am most excited for - the road trip from Montreal to K-town with my good friends Suzanne, Paige and Terra, the great food (Kitchener has some amazing restaurants, but the lunch that is provided in class each day is amazing and HOME COOKED), the amazing classroom that Icing Inspirations offers - spacious, well lit and very comfortable, or is it the cozy hotel room waiting for me at the Walper Hotel (where Icing Inspirations students get a discounted room rate).  Perhaps it is returning to a place where I feel welcome as if I am part of the family (eventhough I call Chrissie my BCF, she and her husband Justin, make everyone feel that way - as many of my fellow students can attest).  C'mon, who am I kidding?  I am uber excited to learn from such talented artists like James and Marina.  These are top notch artists in this industry, and anyone taking this class is lucky to be able to advertise that they learned from high caliber talent!  I recently had a couple book me for their Wedding and pay everything upfront to secure me upon hearing I have learned from James and will be returning to join him and Marina to learn more!

Student luck doesn't end there!  I was talking to Chrissie this morning to confirm a supply order for a few cakes I have coming up, and we were going on about how we were excited for class.  She let it slip that James and Marina will be bringing enough of their signature products with them for everyone to use in class (including some new things not sold in Canada yet) and available for us to buy at the end of class!  Why am I so excited about this you ask?  Well, it's not simply because I have to have every cake toy out there (especially great quality stuff like James' and Marina's molds), but because they will only be available exclusively to students registered in one of the 2 classes.  That's right if you want to get your hands on some of these hot new products, you need to be enrolled in one of the classes!

Fret not!  Chrissie also told me that she still has a couple of seats left in the second class taking place May 14-16!  I do have to be very honest with you - I don't see these seats lasting very long!  Many people have been filing their taxes and are looking for something fun to do with their returns - I am positive some people will be registering any day to grab the last few seats!  If you want to take part in this first time ever in Canada class, click here to purchase your spot now!

That's it for me tonight!  I am off to continue my facebook countdown!  I really hope to meet some of you in class, it is going to be the class of the year!